My top books list

Most influential books I’ve read

These books have shaped me into the person I am now. The ordering isn’t too important, I just listed them in the ordered that I can remember them. And of course, I’ve read way more books than this list.

  1. Deep Work by Cal Newport
    • Influence on me: This is a must read for knowledge workers, especially anything that involves complex problem solving or creative work. Put the phone down, and embrace deep work.
  2. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
    • Influence on me: This was the first non-fiction book that I truly loved, I read it in my first-year undergrad. At the time I was a struggling university student and varsity athlete. The notion that success is rarely an individual effort, but a product of one’s environment, changed the way I view achievement. I large component of success is luck, so don’t feel bad your not a millionare yet. On the other hand, the 10,000 hour rule suggest that mastery is in any difficult pursuit is achievable in 10 years, so something to be optimistic about.
  3. Willpower by John Tierney and Roy Baumeister
    • Influence on me: Baumeister provides scientific rigor in answer questions about willpower such as: is willpower limited? how to increase willpower? I found this book very interesting, and especially salient during a difficult time in my life. I especially appreciate how the other just reports the findings of research studies, rather than be a shameless self-help book
  4. Atomic Habits by James Clear
    • Influence on me: Real self-improvements happens by changing your habits. This book gives great advice on just that. All your faults and bad habits can’t be changed overnight, there’s a strategic approach to it.
  5. Principles by Ray Dalio
    • Influence on me: The biggest thing I took from this book is radical honesty is essential for profession growth. Another one is Pain + Reflection = Progress.
  6. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
    • Influence on me: During my PhD, I realize how important it was to work well with people. It is not enough to be a lone superstar that can do everything himself. This book has great principles and anecdotes on how to get the most out of people, especially in difficult situations.
  7. Surely You’re Joking Mr Feynman by Richard Feynman
    • Influence on me: Richard Feynman is a personal hero in the realm of physics. He conveys his love of science and childlike curiosity in every aspect of his life. This was an entertaining read on the quirky adventures of Feynman. This book just shows that genius aren’t all serious.
  8. Can’t Hurt Me and Never Finished by David Goggins
    • Influence on me: David Goggins is a f—ing savage. His book has taught me the importance of perseverance, mental toughness, and pushing beyond my limits. David Goggins’ incredible journey and his relentless pursuit of self-improvement have inspired me to push myself harder and never settle for mediocrity.
  9. Essentialism by Greg Mckeown
    • Influence on me: This book has had a profound impact on my mindset and approach to life. It has taught me the importance of prioritizing and focusing on what truly matters, and saying no to the non-essential. Greg McKeown’s insights have helped me simplify my life and make better decisions.
  10. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
    • Influence on me: I loved listening to this book. It puts into perspective the pursuit of excellence and craft, that one has to constantly battle the “resistance” which is the negative voices in your head. Just like the first few books in the list, it’s a must read for anyone trying to achieve difficult things.